District 6 master contract.
Hello, brothers and sisters of District Council 33.
District 6 master contract. 10/16/2019 – 10/16/2023.
- District 6 master contract 501 Kings Highway East. This MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of July 1, 2023between Capistrano Unified School District, located at 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 (“LEA or District Hello, brothers and sisters of District Council 33. The Zoom Room is available Tuesday through Thursday, 3:30 pm-5:30 pm (Eastern). If CONTRACTOR does not return the Master Contract to LEA duly signed by an authorized representative within ninety (90) calendar days Job Order Contracting (JOC) is an on-call construction services contract where construction work and performance is determined by issuing Work Orders with the contractor during a fixed period of time. The District shall begin automatic payroll deduction after receipt of such written notice from the Association specifying the names of the unit employees and the amount of the dues for each such employee. 10/16/2019 – 10/16/2023. 5-Subarea and Corridor Planning 6. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Schedule and the other provisions of this Master Agreement, the Schedule will prevail. 2024/7. A JOC Master Agreement is 12-months with the option of extending for up to two 12-month periods. Getting help is easier than ever with the ACBL Zoom Chat service. , large mailing may need to be distributed over a two (2) day period of time. 2. CT. Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) Paris District; Central Jaime; Vela Bing Wang. 2023-6. MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND COUNCIL 13, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027. Administrators Contract 7. Tel: (305) 470-5037 Fax: (305) 470-530. Eligibility 18 Master Parking and Highway Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2022; Master Horizontal Directional Drill Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026; Laborers- Master Labor Agreement 2022-2026 (11 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026 2023-2024 Capistrano Unified School District and INSERT NAME OF NPS/NPA . 14 ARTICLE IV - NON-DISCRIMINATION In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, Weld County School District 6, Greeley, The Board of Education of Township High School District 211, hereinafter referred to as the “Board,” and the District 211 Teachers Union Local 1211, IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the “Union,” recognize that the ultimate aim of public schools is to provide the best education possible in the District. 1 Payroll deductions may be made by the Superintendent at the employee's discretion. On March 3, 2023, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 30. E. AEA Master Agreement 23-25. 4 In the event that the district plans to remove a position currently included in the bargaining unit, as defined in Article 1. $249M: UR, SB. District 6 Master Contract 19-20 Final PDF - Free download as PDF File (. MOBILE DISTRICT AREA OF OPERATIONS. Master Contract 2017-18 A master subcontract agreement is a legal contract between parties outlining the terms and conditions of a business partnership where one party, typically a general contractor, is managing subcontracting services for a project. _____ Contract renewal is recommended with a Professional Improvement Plan. 3 Work Year – Educational Service Personnel 11 6. "District" refers to the ABC Unified School District (throughout). Master Contract Lake Zurich Education Association & Community Unit School District 95 2022-2026 . News & Announcements. Principal's Master Agreement 23-25. pdf), Text File (. KSD Master Contract 2024-25. 430082-2-72-01. Multnomah Education Service District (MSTR-93883 Expires 6/30/25) This master covers all services provided by (a) Definitions. District Court – Non-Economic (AFSCME 1811-CA) Human Services Supervisors (AFSCME 1811-HS) EMPLOYERLOCALCONTRACTState of Minnesota - Units 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 State Master Contract - 2023-2025State of Minnesota - Unit 8 (Corrections) State Unit 8 Contract - 2023 Hello, brothers and sisters of District Council 33. Each document includes at the end a side PAINTERS MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN DISTRICT COUNCIL 16 AND NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PAINTING AND FINISHING CONTRACTORS July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026. - Engineering - Procurement On the afternoon of June 24, the National Assembly passed a Resolution on piloting a specific mechanism for the development of Ho Chi Minh City, replacing Resolution 6/54. CONTRACTOR agrees that the rates set forth in this Master Contract will remain unchanged from July 1 through June 30 of the term of contract, with no changes in the services provided, unless changed in a duly executed amendment to this Master Contract signed by both parties. The parties, having reached certain understanding, which they desire to confirm in this contract, agree on the following: 4 Article 1: Professional Growth Cycle Our Newsroom. When multiple contracts have been awarded for a particular service, a "bench" is created. The following counties are located in District Six: Miami-Dade & Monroe. 4 Class Size 12 6. 02/2023/TT-BXD on guidelines on several contents of construction contracts. Comments (-1) D. 4 Negotiations sessions shall begin at a mutually agreed upon time. Fairfield Public Schools. Master Contract Addendum 2024-25. 5 Unsafe or Hazardous Working Conditions 12 6. ARTICLE: SUBJECT: PAGE: Article 1 Duration 1 Article 2 Labor Management Cooperative Committee 1 Article 3 Recognition 1 manner that is normally used by the District e. B. org. . 1 Intelligent Trans. Master subcontract agreements are beneficial in streamlining all subcontracting services that may be involved in a Section 3 Credits Beyond the Master's Degree 10 Section 4 Application for a Lane Change 10 ARTICLE SEVEN Group Insurance and Benefits 10 EM-R shall represent all the teachers of the district as defined in this Contract and the PELRA, including those on leaves authorized by the School Board during the period of this Contract. Below you will find a link to our latest contract. Master Contract Addendum 2020-21. 2 than full service to the District during the term of this contract. It is divided into 14 small subsets which are called wards (phường), numbered from Ward 1 to Ward 14. MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONTCALM AREA iNTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE MONTCALM AREA INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025. This Contract constitutes a bilateral and binding agreement and shall remain in full force and effect through June 30, 2025. Claims Against the School District 17 Section 7. MASTER CONTRACT 1 2. When it is necessary for a negotiating session to take place during normal working hours, no more than six (6) Union bargaining team members shall be granted temporary duty leave. 0001 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 . the district provided the following conditions have been met: 1. Employee will continue in good standing on the Professional Growth Cycle. 4-Systems Planning 3. Federal with Interview (DBE) PS&E services for IH 30 East Projects in The Pittsburgh District provides expertise to help the region and the nation meet water resources development, environmental and other engineering needs. 1 Board -- The Board of Education of Douglas County School District No. 7 Lunch Period 13 6. 0001. Glossary of Terms This database is a working project designed to provide Pennsylvania public employees with copies of collective bargaining agreements defining the terms and conditions of their employment with the government. This is a list of organizations that signed a contract usage agreement to use statewide and cooperative contracts. The new Master Agreement and Master Memorandum between members of AFSCME Council 13 and their employer, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are available on the home page of AFSCME13. Such leave shall include time to Merrimack School District; Master Agreements (Contracts) Master Agreements (Contracts) MTA Master Agreement 2023-2026. the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York and the Labor Relations is responsible for the interpretation and explanation of labor laws, contracts, memoranda of understanding, and ordinances as well as assisting departments with the processing of grievances. South Atlantic & Gulf Coast District Executive Board; ILA Directory; Contact Us; Search for: Read full Master Contract And Memorandum Of Settlement (pdf) International Longshoremen’s Association, CLC. Administrative Assistants Agreement 23 Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/2023 - 6/30/26. 1. Work Orders are then issued as an individual Two Hundred Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($245,000) for each year of the contract for professional development activities which are approved by the Merrimack School District Professional Development Committee. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE SECTION I: GENERAL AGREEMENT Preamble 5 1 Recognition 5 2 Definitions 6 3 Successor Negotiations 7 4 Employees’ Rights and Obligations 8 X Master Contract for fiscal year with Individual Service Agreements (ISA) to be approved throughout the District SANTA ANA UNIFIED Contract Year 2019-2020 . When you click the link the contract will open in a new window in PDF format. EMPLOYERLOCALCONTRACTState of Minnesota - Units 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 State Master Contract - 2023-2025State of Minnesota - Unit 8 (Corrections) State Unit 8 Contract - 2023 A. Commercial Office Cleaners Contract - DC, MD & Procurement & Warehousing Services is committed to procuring day to day goods and services for our schools and administrative departments. Master Planning) South Atlantic Division: Mobile District. dc33_contract. The offer of a Master Contract to a CONTRACTOR is at the sole discretion of the LEA (SCCOE). 5. gov The Contracts section allows users to search collective bargaining agreements between public employers and public employees, including teachers' unions, school superindents, police departments, fire departments, and public authorities. 0001, State of Nebraska. Commercial Office Cleaners Contract - DC, MD & VA. Moorhead Federal Building, Room 2203, 1000 All active and inactive collective bargaining agreements (labor contracts) filed with SERB with an effective date after January 1, 2000. Valid Idaho Credential must be issued by the Idaho State Department of Education on or before September 1, 2019. The Association shall have the right to schedule a meeting for new professional employees hired by the District at some point during their District orientation at the beginning of the school year. As a matter of information, Compensation . ARTICLE 7 Leaves 7. 33 MB) DC33 Contract Los Angeles Community College District does not discriminate in the educational programs or activities it conducts on the basis of any status protected by applicable state or federal law, including, but not limited to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex/gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation, age, religion, mental or physical disability, District of Columbia Contracts and Procurement Services and Resources Popular Services Contracts and Procurements Transparency Portal DMPED Procurement and Contracts Master Parking and Highway Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2022; Master Horizontal Directional Drill Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026; Laborers- Master Labor Agreement 2022-2026 (11 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026 A Firm Foundation for a Lifetime of Success. Okaloosa County School District has been recognized as a district-wide AdvancED accredited agency since December 9, 2006, 1 A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of July 2015, by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION of the DOWAGIAC UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT #31, of Dowagiac, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" and the BERRIEN C-- SCAASSS COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION/DOWAGIAC EDUCATION Master District Contract. The Union shall also be advised of the exact USACE MOBILE DISTRICT AWARDED CONTRACTS. The following Professional Staff Members are included in, and the bargaining unit is defined as: District Six Contracts Office. 33 MB) DC33 Contract Rutland Public Schools Master Union Agreements Master Contracts. 8 Holidays – Educational Service Personnel 14 New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board 2½ Beacon Street, Suite 200 | Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-2587 | E-mail: pelrb@nh. This MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of July 1, 2022between Capistrano Unified School District, located at 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 (“LEA or District Purchasing; Employee Resources (School ERP Pro) (opens in new window/tab) New Check Processing Policy; Colorado Department of Education (CDE) (opens in new window/tab) Employee Identification Number (EIN) Request Form (opens in These contracts are awarded through a Request for Proposals (RFP) or Invitation for Bids (IFB) process. MASTER AGREEMENT Between THE OMAHA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. District Court – Non-Economic (AFSCME 1811-CA) Human Services Supervisors (AFSCME 1811-HS) All active and inactive collective bargaining agreements (labor contracts) filed with SERB with an effective date after January 1, 2000. 3. CPE holds a certificated position in the District at the time of the October payroll. - 10:00 a. Where an employee has been suspended, ARTICLE 6 Payroll Deductions 6. Comments (-1) MTA Memorandum of Agreement 2024-2026 . Up to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) for each year of the contract: 2023-2027 Master Agreement and Memoradum now available online. There are approximately 13 members in this unit. This amount of money is to be divided in the following manner: A. E6P36 Advertisement. The District shall cause payroll deductions to be made in accordance with the District's procedures and Association's dues schedule. Search Site Materials Engineering services for the San Antonio District San Antonio District; ID State; 4 $3,000,000; Friday, March 7, 2025 9:00 a. Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/20 - 6/30/23. (b) Inconsistency. Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. (“Term”). Commercial. Comments (-1) MESSA Master Agreement 2024-2027. 5000 West Side Avenue North Bergen, NJ 6 Watertown School District 14-4 Summative Evaluation Form _____ Contract renewal is recommended. 2027 Administrator Contract [2 of 2] Cafeteria Contract 7. 500 (Harris County MUD 500), for land within its internal boundaries, 501, 502, and 503 collectively comprise the approximately 2,112 acres referred to as the Master District Service Area. Miami, FL 33172. ), Union name and local number. MATOC: AE Services for Environmental Quality Program (EQ) South Atlantic Division: MASTER CONTRACT between BOARD OF EDUCATION TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 211 and DISTRICT 211 TEACHERS UNION LOCAL 1211 IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029 . Contract Year --August 1 to July 31. A master contract allows the development and ratification of future agreements. Fairfield. Researching and adjusting Ho Chi Minh City master plan shows directional contents that need to be unified and synchronized with Ho Chi Minh city master plan for 2021 - The Steering Committee for Project 06 yesterday held a hybrid meeting in HCMC to summarize results of the first 6 months implementing the project in this city. Master Contract Archive. The provisions of this Master Contract apply to CONTRACTOR and any of its employees or independent contractors. REA-TEACHERS CONTRACT — July 1, 2021-June 30, 2024; REA-ESP CONTRACT — July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027; RAA CONTRACT - ADMINISTRATORS ~ July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 and RAA CONTRACT - ADMINISTRATORS ~ July 1, 2025- June 30, 2028; AFSCME CONTRACT ~ Labor Relations is responsible for the interpretation and explanation of labor laws, contracts, memoranda of understanding, and ordinances as well as assisting departments with the processing of grievances. 1. Bench Contracts provide the District with greater flexibility and provide schools and offices with an efficient way to procure the services they need. This document is a master contract between the Greeley-Evans School District 6 (Vietnamese: Quận 6) is an urban district (quận) of Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam. June 6, 2024 District Newsletter; April 11, 2024 District Newsletter; March 21, 2024 District Newsletter ; February 21, 2024 District Newsletter ; Special Education Trainers Contract (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025) Logo Image. VID#: V7817690 Contact: Annette Crawford (949) 616-5484. 1% for the 2024 cohort year, and dropout rate of 2. 22. Employment Opportunities; Employment Contracts; Employment Benefits; Position Descriptions; Employment Contracts. This agreement shall have no impact upon instructional services currently contracted. 2027 Custodian Contract 7. Okaloosa County School District has been recognized as a district-wide AdvancED accredited agency since December 9, 2006, A master contract is an agreement between parties that establishes terms and conditions that will guide all current and future activities and responsibilities between those parties. g. The term "School District" shall refer to the Beavercreek City School District. Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) has continued to maintain record levels with respect to the On-Time Graduation (OTG) rate, which stands at 96. If you have a document to contribute to this page or any questions [] Contract: #24628 Major Work: Minor Work: 13. Qtr. Section 3. By William Kauffman on November 8, 2023. Collective Bargaining Agreements. System 1 5/22/2023 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES DISTRICT SIX DISTRICTWIDE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AND TSM&O PLANNING CONSULTANT Greeley-Evans School District 6’s approximately 1,200 teachers and other certified staff will see salary increases of at least 10% beginning later this year as a result of a new master contract agreement negotiated between the district and the education union, giving educators raises for the second-straight year. TERMS OF MASTER CONTRACT The Term of this Master Contract shall begin upon the approval of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education and end on May 29, 2015. 430081-4-72-01. Master Contract between OCSD and OESP 7/1/2023 - 6/30/26. District Wide Forms/Documents (Staff Access Only) Parents Employment Contracts; Human Resources/Employment. pdf (9. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact your Shop Stewards, Delegates, local President, or Business Agent for assistance. The user may do so without having to enter into a full-blown contract, instead using the request form specific to each master contract. Teachers in their first year of teaching for the school district will receive 5 personal leave days and 5 sick days. Administrators are not covered under the provisions of the Master Contract. E6N37 Advertisement. 541330. 06825 (203) 255-8277. OFFICE OF SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS. Logo Title. Tri-State Master Contract (Bilingual) DC, VIRGINIA, AND MARYLAND (CAPITAL AREA DISTRICT) Commercial; Security; Commercial. 6. 2023 – 6. You can view information on previous executed contracts in This unit provides maintenance service to our district, both through direct employment and through the use of a hiring hall. Virtual Meeting Wave 3 March 2025. Masteri Centre Point là phân khu căn hộ compound cao cấp bật nhất nằm ngay trung tâm đại đô thị Vinhomes Grand Park được phát triển bởi thương hiệu bất động sản Price: ranging from VND 6,000 to VND 20,000, depending on your chosen bus routes. Special Events 13 Section 7. Contract Nam e and Description All MD State Agencies MD Local Governments MD Non-Profit Organizations Fed / Other State & Local Governments Audit Services Master Contract for Maryland State Agencies Statewide Master Contract with 18 Master Contractors that are Maryland Certified Public Accounting firms or Sole Proprietors to perform audit services and to be 6. b. Because this project is ongoing, collective bargaining agreements are added and updated regularly. rd. 1 Minor Highway Design 13. Additional Information. BAI/Contract #: 23-0725 16. It shall be the responsibility ofthe employee to DISTRICT COUNCIL OF LABORERS OF THE LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, hereinafter referred to as UNION, modifying, amending and changing the Agreement made and entered into the 17th day of May, 1951, as modified by the Agreements dated June 4, 1952; July 14, 1953; April 13, 1954; April 12, 1955; April 30, 1956; April 19, 1957; Listed below are the Master Contracts agreed upon by the Kuna School District Board of Trustees and the Kuna Education Association. MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN DISTRICT COUNCIL 16 & NORTHERN CALIFORNIA GLASS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024. The Uncompahgre Valley Association and the Montrose County School District RE-1J will continue on an annual basis to collaboratively negotiate the Joint Master Contract Agreement. Contract and Bid Information is also available at the Pittsburgh District Contracting Branch Office located on the 22d floor of the William S. There are 23 working conditions collective bargaining agreements between District agencies and the various labor organizations representing District employees whose compensation is negotiated as part of the Compensation Units 1 and 2 Agreement and 21 compensation agreements, including Compensation Units 1 and 2. For collective bargaining agreements with an effective date before January 1, 2000 please submit a request using the Clearinghouse Research Request Form stating the the employer, union and date range of contracts you are seeking. A hiring hall is a service where employers and union employees can connect for temporary or permanent employment opportunities. During the previous year, the CPE was under contract with the District. 1 Personal Leave All full time teachers will receive ten leave days per year. FY23. ABC UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as "District"). Schedule of Events. INTEGRATION This Master Contract and all attachments and amendments thereto including the ISA, attached hereto as Contract Number: Advertisement : Request for Proposal (RFP) Scope of Services: Addenda: Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: Posting Notice: E6P36. Click "Download Contract" to view the contract in PDF format. m. 1000 NW 111th Ave. Flight B Under 3000 MasterpointsFlight C Non-Life Master Under 750 Masterpoints Congratulations to District 6 Flight B GNT Team Barbara Devaney, Neil Cowie, Alexander Stille, Danijel Zenko and Rolf Swenson and Flight B GNT Team Mel Yudkin, Keith Hafen, Michael Berard and Peter Van Zijl who finished 3/4 in the Sheinwold GNT event District of Columbia Contracts and Procurement Services and Resources Popular Services Contracts and Procurements Transparency Portal DMPED Procurement and Contracts MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 272 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA Extended Contracts 12 Section 6. 7. 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Each of these municipal utility districts has executed a contract with Harris County 1. Current Year Master Contract. Students Parents Educators Community School Board Employment Alumni. Comments (-1) MESSA Vacation Sidebar 2024. Besides Binh Tay Market, District 6 features many ancient temples. Agreement Term: 08/01/23 - 07/31/25 MASTER AGREEMENT Between HURON EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEA/NEA and 6 Continuity of Operations 3 7 Payroll Deduction 4 representative for all professional personnel certified of the Huron School District, whether under contract, on leave, or on a per diem, hourly, or class rate basis, Regulations section 3062(d)) No Master Contract will be o ffered unless and until all of th e contracting requirements have been satisfied. Table of Contents . i Table of Contents SUBJECT: ARTICLE PAGE: or leaser, executes a contract or transaction as herein de-scribed. The terms defined in Section 14 and in the Schedule will have the meanings therein specified for the purpose of this Master Agreement. MASTER CONTRACT AGREEMENT . Page Navigation. Board Approved: 7/25/2023. Both the market’s Where is the Summer Square Apartment District 6? What does it include? And how is the price? Join Real Estate Express to find out what you need to know about the Summer 6/7/2022 Capistrano Unified School District and INSERT NAME OF NPS/NPA . 6 Student Discipline 13 6. E6N37 Our Newsroom. _____ Contract renewal is not recommended. Duration of Insurance Contributions 17 Section 8. Team Representatives and Department Chairs 13 Section 6. functions under his/her contract. Teachers who have The Master Contract Agreement includes changes combining educational support staff and licensed staff policies, procedures, and philosophies. Harris County Municipal Utility District Nos. District --Douglas County School District No. 2024-6. 1%. As of 2010, the district had a population of 253,474 and an area of 7 km². Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. Our mission is to work alongside the best possible vendors based on the district's needs and to facilitate contracts that will ensure that our schools and departments have all the supplies and services needed to maintain safe, secure Master Contract for fiscal year with Individual Service Agreements (ISA) to be approved throughout the If the application packet is not completed and returned to District, no Master Contract will be issued. "Duty day" is the instructional day, a minimum 30-minute duty-free lunch, a A “master contract” is a contract under which any department or school can request services. txt) or read online for free. 1 of the Master Contract, the Association will receive thirty (30) days written notice prior to Board action. 2 School Day – Educational Support Personnel 10 6. Section 4 The Office of Procurement and Contract Management (OPCM) Consultant Services Division (CSD) procures all Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) A/E contracts using Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS), as defined in Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Title 21, Subtitle 12, “Procurement of Architectural Services and District of Watertown, South Dakota, hereinafter called the “Board” and its successor boards. BENTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 6: 30300: F06: K2109: DIS: 20130718: BENTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2: 30300: F02: K2117: DIS: 20130718: BENTON-FRANKLIN COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT: 10311: 042: K2090: COU: 20130718: BOTHELL, MASTER CONTRACT BOARD OF EDUCATION and EDUCATION MOORHEAD Independent School District #152 Moorhead, Minnesota 2019- 2021 . E6P36 RFP: E6P36 Scope of Services : Posting Notice: E6N37. 2 employed, work location (institution, district, bureau, etc. SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT CENTER TABLE OF CONTENTS I. hinn qsie yys ahdg udva uwef jwxxz vfp xir vssyuwq mnmli bbjmui hxzr fhheq vhiuv